Basic Safety Precautions During Construction


Construction sites are very likely places for accidents to happen. Looking at the construction workers on scaffolding, I realized why these sites are called deadly pits. The workers were busy placing insulation to a skyscraper. Not only that these workers risk a fatal fall but many other equipments and materials can also cause problems and injuries. According to a survey, most common causes of injuries and deaths on constructions sites are by getting caught between objects, getting struck by an object, getting electrocuted and falling.

Basic Safety Precautions During Construction

These accidents might not always result in deaths, but these near misses can cause disabilities for life. There are many government and company regulations and rules regarding the workers safety but in the end, it all depends on the little things that somehow go unnoticed because of human carelessness. Avoiding such mishaps is possible by avoiding such carelessness on the first place. Here are few precautions that you should follow in order to stay safe at work.

Avoiding falls: The first major step to protect you from construction site hazards is to avoid falling. A number of workers die every year by falling from a ladder or scaffold. Make sure you get proper training to work on these areas. Before stepping on to a scaffold, make sure that they are properly checked for safety. You should be well aware of amount of weight that it can handle so, never load it more than that. Another way to avoid falls is to avoid sitting and walking on skylights.

Avoid intoxications: Toxic materials are very common stuff in construction. Most of the paints used for bridges, tunnels and buildings contain heavy amount of lead. One way to avoid any severe damage is to get a regular test for your blood lead level. Another toxic substance is the tar. When laying hot tar, many harmful fumes are formed. These fumes can cause allergies in the eyes, skin and lungs. This could possibly lead to cancer. Make sure that you are wearing the required safety equipment as well. Dry stone contains silica, so extreme measure should be taken to avoid the dust of these stones to get into your lungs while cutting them.

Right Ergonomics: the tools and equipment used in construction must be suitable and comfortable for you to use. Everyone has different comfort criteria so no one else would be able to check that for you. Sometimes even the smallest tool such as screw driver can lead to a carpal tunnel syndrome. Take extra care in handling and lifting heavy objects as it can cause severe back and spine problems.

No Shocking: It is understood that the main power should be kept off during any kind of work with electrical appliances. But still this is one of the major causes of construction fatalities. Make sure that the area, your hands and your clothes are not damp during your work. Watch out for uncovered wires at any place and take care of them before you start anything else.

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