Free Design Spreadsheet for Concrete Design - BS 8110-1-1997

Free Design Spreadsheet for Concrete Design - BS 8110-1-1997

Thank you for your continuous support and we would like to provide simple concrete design for free according to BS 8110-1-1997. The simple concrete design consists of ;

Free Design Spreadsheet for Concrete Design - BS 8110-1-1997

1) Column subject to compression and biaxial bending design spreadsheet: This spreadsheet is for designing braced columns subject to compression and biaxial bending from a minimum moment (calculated automatically). This is a typically approach when designing reinforced concrete buildings with stair/lift cores and/or shear walls providing lateral stability. Then slabs are designed as with pinned supports and do not impose any moments in columns which can be design with minimum moments due to imperfections etc.; Calculates required column reinforcement; For short and slender columns; Spreadsheet calculates minimum moment and in case of slender columns: additional moment; Automatically calculates K value; Supports can be: pinned, semi-rigid and rigid - for slenderness calculations; Design up to two columns per page. Each design case may have up to six loadcases; Gives column cross-section diagrams for easier appreciations. Calculations are based on user defined design compression load and moment.


2) Column chart generator spreadsheet: Generates N-M Interaction Chart for R.C. columns bent about one axis. Charts are a very convenient and well used method for selecting column reinforcement depending on applied vertical load and moment. This spreadsheet simplifies this process by plotting the chart and giving required rebar based on applied forces; Automatically calculates minimum moment; Option to change column type between vertically and horizontally (like precast column) cast; Gives 'N uz' and 'N bal' per reinforcement area; Gives minimum link diameter per reinforcement area; Up to six loadcases; Gives column cross-section diagram for easier appreciations; Calculations are based on user defined design compression load and moment.

3) Beam design spreadsheet: For rectangular beams; Calculates required beam reinforcement; Covered beam types: simply supported, continuous, cantilever, section over support; Checks deflection based on span to effective depth ratio. Automatically increases reinforcement area to satisfy deflection check. Tension and Compression Modification Factors are automatically calculated; Option to input redistribution; Option to manually increase number of compression reinforcement - affects deflection check; Option to limit maximum allowable increase of tension reinforcement for deflection check; Calculations are based on user defined design moment.

4) Slab design For rectangular slabs; Calculates required slab reinforcement; Covered slab types: simply supported, continuous, cantilever, section over support; Checks deflection based on span to effective depth ratio. Tension and Compression Modification Factors are automatically calculated; Option to input redistribution; Option to specify compression reinforcement which affects deflection check; Option to specify standard reinforcement mat in which case required reinforcement will be calculated in a form of additionals, e.g.: H10@200mm crs PLUS H12@200mm crs ADD'L; Option to limit maximum allowable increase of reinforcement area for deflection check; Calculations are based on user defined design moment.

5) Shear check spreadsheet: For beams and slabs; Calculates link spacing for a given link diameter; Nominal links are provided in beams as a minimum; It is seldom that shear will govern slab design - therefore the spreadsheet first checks slab as with no shear reinforcement. Calculations are based on user defined design shear.

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