Blood Type Diet – Type AB

Multiple antigens make Type ABs sometimes A-like with weak stomach acid, and sometimes B-like with genetically programmed for the consumption of meats.

Type AB do best when their muscle tissues are slightly alkaline. Type ABs can’t metabolize meat efficientlywatch the portion size and frequency. because of low stomach acid, so it is important to

Chicken has lectin that irritates the blood and digestive tracts of Type ABs also. Tofu is a good protein supplements for Type ABs.
Blood Type Diet – Type AB 
Nuts, seeds, beans and legumes present a mixed picture for Type ABs. Eat nuts and seeds in small amounts and with caution.


Type ABs can tolerate dairy foods fairly well. But watch out for excessive mucus production.
Generally Type ABs do well on grains, even wheat, but keep in mind that the inner kernel of the wheat grain is highly acid forming in the muscle for Type ABs. Type AB benefits from a diet rich in rice rather than pasta.

Type ABs has a weaker immune system, so you will benefit from the vegetables, which are high in phytocheicals and the more alkaline fruits, which can help to balance the grains that are acid forming in the muscle tissues.

Tomatoes do not impose any ill effects on Type ABs.

Type AB should begin each day by drinking a glass of warm water with the freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon to cleanse the system of mucus accumulated while sleeping.

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