Agents in Most Detergents are Harmful?

Cleanliness is a factor that increases the worth of anything regardless of its price. Imagine a person wearing expensive designer wear which is not properly clean. On the other hand, consider a person wearing off-the-counter but clean and tidy clothes. Which seems better? Of course, the first one is something you would simply shrug off as soon as you hear it. Effects of cleanliness do not only end on our clothes.
detergent harmful dangerous

Properly cleaned rooms and buildings also play an important part in increasing attractiveness. Even the smallest areas such as toilets need to be cleaned properly in order to make the building appear well-maintained as a whole. That is why there is a great demand for janitorial supplies. Most of the products included in janitorial supply are hygienic and less harmful. However, most of the products used for this purpose are not as safe as they claim to be.


Most of the detergents and household cleaning products contain harmful chemicals that are not even listed on the label. One of the major toxic agents in most detergents is phosphate. Phosphates can act as silent killers for both human beings and aquatic life. When water containing phosphates enters the ocean through the water cycle, it causes the algae to bloom. The algae slimes into a dense form which can easily suffocate other marine life. Although EDTA is used as an alternative to phosphates, it also is not easily biodegradable. They cause toxic, heavy metals to re-dissolve in the environment.

These products usually contain chemicals that are camouflaged under other names such as buffering agents, stabilizers, brightening agents and fragrance. The real chemicals that are concealed behind these names include highly dangerous chemicals such as Linear Alkyl Sodium Sulfonates (LAS), Petroleum distillates, phenols, optical brighteners, phosphates, sodium hypochlorite and EDTA.

All of these chemicals are considered highly toxic agents for the atmosphere on the whole. However, the effect they might have inside our houses can be up to 70% more dangerous. Most of these agents are non-biodegradable and release toxins such as benzene. Napthas or petroleum distillates are possible causes of cancer and lung damage.

Phenols are very common in household cleaning products. They can be highly toxic and people can easily develop allergies. Hypersensitivity to phenols can lead to serious and lethal effects even with minimal exposure. Many countries have already banned this ingredient as it eventually biodegrade into even more toxic compounds.

There are many laundry products which guarantee ultra-bright cleaning. They use synthetic chemicals that convert UV light wavelength into visible light. So, that does not make the clothes whiter, it only makes them appear whiter. These agents can cause bacterial mutations.

Furthermore, the pleasant fragrance used in these products is mostly made from petroleum. Petroleum products do not easily biodegrade in the environment and are one of the major contributors in allergies and irritations.

Keeping in view all of these harmful ingredients and their negative impacts, one must be very careful about choosing the right brand of cleaning products.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Connor_R_Sullivan

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