American Project Management


In USA, American project management is based on free market economy. The American market drives down construction costs and improves the efficiency of projects. It is concerned with each person involved in the project having a defined role. Most projects involve highly skilled specialist contractors who design the components that they apply, who are well experienced in using the techniques involved in their erection.

American Project Management

The majority of building work in America involves large, high rise buildings, which are produced more for the client's financial benefit than for them occupying the space. In contrast to the United Kingdom, American client's often take on the role of project manager. Most clients are developers and are therefore very knowledgeable of the processes involved in their project and of the relevant planning authorities. They prioritise speed and cost over quality. This means that they are able to make key decisions and have very clear ideas of what they want and what is needed for their objectives to be met. They assess the feasibility of their project and raise the finances. They maintain a strong influence throughout the life cycle of the project and are responsible for making sure that the project objectives are met.

Architects in America have a much smaller role in the project than they do in the United Kingdom. Their job is to make sure the client gets the most cost effective solution to their objectives. American architects do not get involved in the detailed design of the buildings components - this is the job of specialist contractors. American architects have comprehensive knowledge of the property market they work in. they are knowledgeable of building costs, rental values, interest and inflation. Most projects will have four architects assigned to it. They will be a conceptual designer, senior designer, project manager and technical co-coordinator.

The project engineers work with the architects to develop the design, which allows them to define the building technology. They are responsible for ensuring the building can be erected safely and efficiently. Engineers must also try to maximize the usable floor space in the design to maximize rental income for the developer. Projects in America often have a short time scale in which they need to be completed. This leads to the highly competitive firms of specialist contractors using building components that they have used many times before and they know have a short delivery time. By the specialist contractor using their own component design a lot of the conflict between them and the architects is eliminated.

The specialist contractor knows how the parts work and is not relying on the innovative ideas of the architects. By using methods that are tried and tested, American projects are a lot more accurate in their time and cost estimations. The work of the specialist contractors is coordinated by a construction manager. Construction managers are often employed from the design stage as consultants, to advise on issues of construction processes.

American project management is split into three sections. The first is the design stage, which is co-ordinated by the architects and engineers along with the client. This is followed by the manufacturing stage and the construction stage, which are both coordinated by the construction manager. Each stage is seen as a separate package of work. At the start of each section "kick off" meetings are held. These meetings take place to ensure that everyone involved in the stage knows what their role entails. Responsibility for the project passes from one person to another during the project but there are times when there are overlaps in responsibility.

The success of American project management can partly be because of the fact that their client's are very knowledgeable of the industry and therefore demand high quality from their project team. However, as the client wants their building as quickly as possible and specialist contractors like to use tried and tested methods, there is a lack of innovative design and flair in the American built environment.

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