Modern Tiles Vs Old Fashioned Tiles


Modern Tiles
Fashion changes and this is a universal truth. I don't know if this is good or bad, but I think it is one of the facts of life. Modern today can be the old fashioned of tomorrow, so why arguing about it?

Although it seems pointless the conflict between modern and antique, new and old, is always present, no matter how the generations change. Yet this appears sometimes also between members of the same generation. Due to their education and upbringing people tend to value things differently. If we follow the fashion tendencies, we can also notice that fashion has a way of coming back over the years.

So why discussing the importance of modern versus antique if we can value their qualities? And tiles can be a subject as good as any other, maybe even better if we think about the fact that they can be found in any building, being it a house or an institution. Marble tiles, for instance, are used also in big traditional houses as well as in contemporary homes, due to their aesthetic aspect as well as the fact that they are easy to maintain.
Old Fashioned Tiles
Let's discuss about impressive traditional houses with complicated architecture, where even doors and windows are works of arts. In such a building everything is about style, but a style which isn't always pragmatic, because the aesthetic is more appreciated. You cannot use simple tiles in such a building. It will give the impression of poverty, not in the material but in the spiritual sense. In the same time, a novel house where everything is about geometry and efficiency in using space, where glass and metal feel like home, using sophisticated tiles can be considered tasteless.

But we already established that people are different and have different view on things. And who can for example blame an eccentric artist for wanting to decorate his house in renaissance style more than blame an architect for using elements of the realism when decorating his home? I can't and I don't think anybody can, but more than that variety makes us appreciate our tastes even more, as well having the knowledge that nobody holds the monopoly on beauty.credit

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