Geotechnical Drilling: The 3 Most Common Reasons To Order A Geotechnical Investigation


Geotechnical drilling has become a common factor in facilitating and ensuring the success of engineering plans relating to new building and structure construction and more. In this article, I will cover the 3 most common reasons to order geotechnical investigations and its applications in the commercial construction and in the engineering industry.

First of all, geotechnical drilling is very useful and often required by law to investigate a new building site. To make sure that a site is appropriate for the new construction, a geotechnical investigation makes sure that the soil is safe to build on and that there are no large rocks that could make the structure collapse. Often, laws require that a site be verified for safety before approving a building permit.

Besides, safety reasons for ordering a geo environmental investigation, the second reason to order a geotechnical drilling rig is to facilitate the building of foundations that are far superior to conventional piling. After obtaining soil samples from the geotechnical drillers, geotechnical engineers are able to conceive and elaborate economically sound plans for foundational support that will best support buildings structurally. Based on the results of geo tech drilling, the foundation construction industry has been dramatically improved and has allowed for ultimate results in the construction of tall buildings, bridges, piers and levees.

The third most common reason to order a geotechnical investigation is to detect and assist in the remediation of contaminated soil. Since contaminated oil or water can harm living organisms including people, it is crucial to detect any leakage caused by underground fuel tanks or caused by waste disposal in a careless manner. Geotechnical drilling comes into the picture in phase II of an environmental site assessment. This usually occurs when a site changes owners.

A Canadian ESA (environmental site assessment) includes three phases. A phase 1 assessment detects if there is evidence of contamination. It includes research on the history of the site and an on site investigation and report put together by a qualified environmental consultant. If there is evidence of potential contamination, a phase II investigation is then ordered. This second phase will confirm the presence of contamination and is largely assisted through geotechnical drilling. A phase II environmental investigation includes drilling, sampling, testing and groundwater monitoring through wells installed by the geo tech drillers. Phase III is when remediation is put into place if contamination levels are unacceptable. A phase III investigation will determine which methods can be used to clean up or at least contain the contaminants.

If you need a geotechnical investigation in Northeastern Ontario, Tatry Drilling in Timmins, Ontario can get the job done in a timely and efficient manner. Equipped with a CME-55 drilling rig, they service all of northern Ontario. Check out their website to get more information about geotechnical drilling: Geotechnical Drilling Ontario

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sophia_Rodriguez

Sophia Rodriguez - EzineArticles Expert Author


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